NEWBORN THE CLOTH STASH WAY | Newborn Cloth Nappy Hire Package | Mixed Brand Modern + Preflat Cloth Nappies

Tried and tested right here at The Cloth Stash....we think we are onto a winning newborn nappy stash! The quick dry nature of preflats and shells is so handy when trying to adjust to newborn life and cloth at the same time. Plus having a handful of all-in-one nappies to reach for when you want a quick and simple nappy change is an absolute lifesaver for you and anyone else who is helping out with nappy changes!

We love the mix of the super trim and absorbent Cloth Bums Newborn Preflats for day time use and the generously sized SHP Newborn Preflats for longer naps & night time use (the generous width allows for extra fold layers). We also love that it didn't matter what shape or size bub was, we could fold the preflats to suit.

With just 3 different combinations, this hire package is both simple and versatile!

So what nappies are included in this package? Read on to find out. For the quantities included in your package look under the package inclusions tab on the product page.


Two different styles of preflat nappies. These preflat nappies are the absorbent component of the nappy and require a waterproof cover over. They can be folded exactly how you like to suit bub's size and wet zone.

Wipe-down Covers:

Well....technically the Junior Tribe Co nappy is an all-in-two (Ai2) nappy but in this case they make a brilliant waterproof cover over the ever so trim Cloth Bums preflat. You can even use the included insert for extra absorption if needed.

The generous sized Bubblebubs Pul Gusseted cover is perfect for using over the slightly larger SHP preflats.

These covers have no internal lining so you can wipe-down the covers in between uses (wee nappies only) to save washing. 

All-In-One | Pocket Nappy:

The Baby BeeHind all-in-one pocket nappy has built in absorption to make wash time a breeze. These nappies have pockets built into the inside of the cover so that the inserts can be placed inside and it comes with an additional booster for those heavy wetting bubs.

Microfleece Liners:

Preflats don't come with an inbuilt stay dry layer so these microfleece liners are perfect for placing closest to bub's skin to wick away moisture.

How to Use:

We have a helpful video on how to fit a modern cloth nappy here. to fold? We have a few tips on how to fold them to suit your bub: Boy fold | Girl Fold | Poo Explosion Fold.

You can find information on each nappy in this package here.

When to use microfleece liners and how? Find out here.

Having trouble using the snappi/ nappy pin? We have some tips & tricks here

Using those nappies straight from birth? Here are some tips & tricks on how to fit them around bub's umbilical stump. 

What to use when?

Cloth Bums Preflats: These preflats are nice and trim so they are the perfect day nappy. They will fit under those cute little baby outfits while out and about!

SHP Preflats: These preflats are perfect for heavy wetters or times when you need the nappy to last longer (nap times etc). 

Baby BeeHinds All-in-one nappy: These are for when you want a quicker & easier nappy change with less folding required (i.e. night time!!!).

Microfleece Liners: Use these with the preflats if you need to wick moisture away from bub's skin or if you want an easier clean up! You do not need to use them with the preflats if you don't want to, these preflats can go right upagainst bub's skin.

If you are using the booster from the Junior Tribe Co nappy and you are placing this on top of the preflat closest to bub's skin, then we recommend using a microfleece liner as these boosters contain microfiber which is not recommended to use directly on bub's skin.

If you are using the Baby BeeHinds nappy as a pocket nappy (all inserts placed inside the pocket), then there is no need for a microfleece liner as the pocket lining is a stay dry fabric. If you are laying the inserts into the cover, closest to bub's skin then you can use a microfleece liner to help wick away moisture but it is not required. 

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