Stains on my Wipe-able PUL covers. Help!

Having trouble with stained PUL covers?
Wipe down reusable nappy covers are the best! Wipe them down in between nappy changes and use again...well unless it has been hit by a poo-nami then it goes straight to the laundry for rinsing.
There is a catch though.
If you are using them as an all-in-two style cloth nappy - where you lay the inserts into cover - then the chances are they are going to come in contact with your bub's poo. And they can stain! And the stains are hiding behind any internal shell lining for these bad boys.
This seems to be a common problem, especially with newborn poop which tends to stain easily. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about it, although stains do fade over time.
Here are a couple of tips that we have stumbled across....recommended by others with the same issue:
- One of the best ways to avoid this, is by rinsing the shell as soon as it comes off bub. Scrubbing with a Sard soap bar before prewash can help minimise the stain.
- Vanish Aerosol spray has worked at fading the stain at least, if nothing else. The can recommends leaving it on for 5mins, however if the stain is stubborn, it could be left on for longer but please keep an eye out that it doesn't damage the PUL.
- A combination of the above two steps. Sard soap first, then aerosol.
- If all else fails, you can try applying a Napisan (or equivalent) paste. Dilute powder with water until it has the consistency of paste and spread it over the stain. The alternate is to soak the cover in Napisan instead, but please ensure this doesn't create a drowning hazard for bub.
We hope that helps!